02 November 2008

Aku jadi mangsa lagi!!!

Waaaa...:cinonet_38:...aku telah menjadi mangsa kekejaman israel Mr.Hyuuga!!...aku sudah jawab tags ni..namun Mr.Hyuuga menyuruh dengan kejam agar aku menjawab tag ini..ohoo..ada ubi ada batas..lain kali aku bg tags yg berjela2 pjg utk ang..hehehe

[01] Real name: Norfarina Binti Jaafar
[02] Nickname: Farina :: Farin :: Ina :: Kecik
[03] Status: : Single but not available
[04] Zodiac Sign: Virgo
[05] Gender: Female
[06] Age: 22 year and 2 month
[07] High School: Smk Bongawan :: Smk Benoni :: Smk[A] Limauan :: Smk Membakut
[08] College: Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
[09] Height: 145cm
[10] Weight: 39Kg
[11] Do you like yourself: Me is My self
[12] Piercings: Yup
[13] Right or left: Left and right
[14] Are you a freak : sometimes
[15] Hair: Guna jari pun boleh
[16] Skin: Kuning langsat
[17] Allergic: seafood
[18] What are you doing now: jwb Tags kejam ini..hehehe
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later: Qada tido!!..ngee
[20] What will you doing 10 years later: keje..and be a good step mother

[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family: Family
[22] Siblings(included you): 6 org budak putih..hehehe
[23] Eldest: My sister KAK FIZI
[24] Youngest: My younger brother HAKIM
[25] Love/hate your family: i love my family!!

[26] You found your another half: YES!!
[27] If yes, who is he/she: My BabyQ ijam
[28] Who you want he/she to be: Be my husband and my childrens father
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: 14.02.03
[30] Ever woo boy/girl: Nope
[31] Anyone woo you before: Ya..until now msh ada lg yg wait n see..hoho..
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: xde
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: xde
[34] Ever argue with your other half: xde
[35] You with your other half since: febuary 2003
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight laa..huhu
[37] Reasons you love your other half: Because i love him
[38] You and your other half in which stage: stage ape?..hehehe...
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: same2..hahaha
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: yes..of course laaa..hehehe

[41] Your first best friend: my mother n my siblings..ngeee
[42] Your first enemy: dirahsiakan..heee
[43] The friends you love the most: Nataso Unltd..
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): Eja..da gurlz that i hate her soo much!!
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: Me..heee
[46] Your most handsome boy friend: My Father n My hubby ijam..hee..My younger brother Hafiz dan Hakim..heee
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: Berlagak dan acting ja lebih!!
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: Ego..
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: May B..heee
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: Dunno..hehe
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: I'll kill he/she..heee..no laa..i hope mereka akan bertaubat..hehehe
[52] If your friend betray you: i'll say hello to them..heee
[53] If your friend woo your lover: oh no!!..it cant be happend..hee
[54] If your friends fall in love with you: Hopely no!..
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: No..bcoz i already have my boo..

[56] Are you a good student: 50%..hehehe
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: yes i do!..buat jgk wlupun last minit..hehehe
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: suka bila En.Azmi ajar..best n cool..heee..sng faham..heee
[59] Always late to school/college: yaa..i'm always late!..hehehe..
[60] Your class: First class..hehehe
[61] You love your seniors: xde..abg angkat ade la..tp xlove la..hee
[62] Senior who you love the most: xtahu..ngeee
[63] Your classmates good/bad: good+bad=stabil..hehehe
[64] Excellent result classmate: xtau..sy kot..hehehee
[65] Laziest classmate: mee too..hehehe

[66] Smart people: sesorg yg blh handle ssuatu pkara dan blh bg idea yg best..cakap saja xguna klu xtau buat..hehehe
[67] Stupid people: bodoh sombong..
[68] Good looking people: smart dressing+smart thinking..
[69] Ugly people: sesorg yg berlagak dirinya cantik..mcm dia je yg cantik..org lain xblh la lebih ckit dr dia..macam *tut*..hehehe
[70] Funny people: yg blh buatkan aku ketawa..ngee..
[71] Cute people: ME ueto aya
[72] Bad people: ngegek!
[73] Honest people: Honest..heee..sudah penat..lepas ni akan mula mencekik Mr.Hyuuga
[74] Acting people: berpura2 dan muka tembok!
[75] You are what kind of people: simple and easy to talk..

[76] Lip or eyes: both
[77] Hugs or kisses: Both
[78] Shorter or taller: Stabil..xshort xtall..hehehe
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Sponteneous
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: both
[81] Listener or talker: Listener..coz i talk too much..
[82] Romantic or rich: Both
[83] Good husband or Good Father: Both

[84] Age to get marry: 25..on 16september2011..sila la dtg ye..hehehe
[85] Numbers of kid(s): 6
[86] Career: Housewives..hehehe
[87] Salary: 2k..xnak la mgharap bnyak sgt..klu ada rezeki..adalah..terima seadanya..asalkan halal..
[88] Retirement age: 50
[89] Properties value: ..
[90] Wishes: success in my life..

yeaaa..aku berjaya menghabiskan menjawab tags ini xsmpai pun 30minit..hehehe..sungguh gumbira..geram..hehehehe..
anyway..THANK U MR.HYUUGAEncek Anas Fahmi..hehehe..lain kali bagi lagi..hehehe


  1. dik farin..ni bukan dah jawab ke? rajin bebeno jawab 2 kali hehe...

  2. kak nrina..dah jwb pon..
    tp encek anas fahmi dah bg..dia kata kene jwb jgk..hehehe..so,xnak mghampakan pmintaan dia..rin jwb la..hehehe

    hai P r i n c e s s
    nice 2 meet u..jom link..

  3. skarang org ske tag-mentag kan ?
    haha . :D

  4. boleh tahan pnjang tag ni :)

  5. aikkk... mane lagik 10 soklan nih??? x aci laaaaaaaa... hahaha...

  6. iesha:a'ah..tag mengetag nih kira dah jadi adat laa..hehehe

    Star:..panjg gila..sanpai injured tangan ni menjawab..hehehe

    @LiyanNuar:ada lg ke 10 soklan??..aihh..xlarat la klu ada 10 soklan lg..hehehehe...


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