21 October 2008

Sy di 'TAG' lg

Tag seterusnya dr Mr.Luth
hoho..encek Luth..sy akan mjwb tag ini dgn bsungguh2..
ceh~cam jwb exam la plak..ngeee

[01] Real name:
Norfarina Binti Jaafar

[02] Nickname:
Bibi [gelaran wktu kecil..dan msh ada makcik2 yg pngil aku ngn nama ni..huhu]
Kak ina [family+kakak2+adik2 ku panggil]
Farin [makcik+pakcik+cazen+kwn2 dkt kg]
arin [kwn2 rapat wkt skola dkt benoni]
yen/yin [kwn2 wktu skola SMALL+smk.membakut]
kecik+ina [gelaran kat UUM]

[03] Status:
Single and not married..means??..heee

[04] Zodiac Sign:
Virgo GurLz

[05] Gender:

[06] Age:
22 thn

[07] High School:
SMK.Bongawan [F0rm1]
SMK.Benoni [Form1-3]
SMK.A.Limauan [Form4-5]
SMK.Membakut [Form6]

[08] Collage
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah

[09] Height:

[10] Weight:
39 kg

[11] Do you like yourself:
of coz r..siapa xsyg diri oii..hehehe

[12] Piercings:

[13] Right or left:
Right n Left..hee

[14] Are you a freak :
sometimes..akan berasa lemah jika terlalu letih dan xcukup tido+makan

[15] Hair:
sedikit coklat..hehe..yg ori la..tp skrg sdah bertukar2 warna..ari 2 dah caler hitam blk..tp wrna dia dah turun..so sedikit keperang2an..hee..tp suka lg waktu rmbut aku hitam hari tuh!..nmpak chat je rmbut..hehehe

[16] Skin:
xtau la nak dikategorikan ape..tp diorg ckp aku ni putih..putih org melayu la..xkn org putih mat saleh 2..heee

[17] Allergic:
Seafood+sambal belacan

[18] What are you doing now:
tgh wireless dkt galeri..tp hampeh..kejap ade..kejap xde conection..cam chipsmore lak..hehehe..

[19] What will you doing 1 hour later:
nak prepare tuk presentation esok+iron baju tuk kelas esok+makan2+tgk cite korea

[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family:
Family..Bapa+mama+kak eg+kak hida+Haziera+hafiz+Hakim

[22] Siblings(included you):
6 orang [ 4 GurLz+2Boyz]

[23] Eldest:
Kak Eg

[24] Youngest:
Adik Hakim yg gemokz itew

[25] Love/hate your family:
Teramatlah sayang..aku xblh hidup tanpa mereka..

[26] You found your another half:
what??..my hubby ku..

[27] If yes, who is he/she:

[28]Who you want he/she to be:
Husband and become a father to my children

[29] Time(s) you in relationship:
5 years already..plbgai cabaran dah yg dtempuhi..suka+duka+gembira+sedih..tp semua itu xbisa memisahkan aku dan dia..

[30] Ever woo boy/girl:
ada kot..xsure la..sbb mostly boy yg usha..hee

[31] Anyone woo you before:
ramai..so xigt..dan biarlah dirahsiakan identitinye..hehe

[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:

[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:

[34] Ever argue with your other half:

[35] You with your other half since:
ntahlaa..question 32 until 35 aku xfaham apa dia tnya..hehee

[36] Are you straight/lesbo:
ish..xde maknenye..mstla seorg pempuan yg tulen..

[37] Reasons you love your other half:
Dia yg bisa membuatkan aku berasa tenang..dan..ceria..
memahami aku..even sometimes kena ikut ckp dan khendak dia..hee
aku xblh hidup tnpa dia..aku syg dia sgt2..

[38] You and your other half in which stage:

[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:
ntahla..sbb msg2 simpan perasaan yg sama wktu mula2 jmpa..then bkwn..dan 14hari kmudian kami bercinta..iaitu pd tanggal 14 febuari 2003 until now..heee
harap2 ada jodoh la..amin..

[40] Ever think of marry he/she:
mestilah..hanya akan kawin ngn dia seorg..kerna..aku xblh hidup tnpa dia..

[41] Your first best friend:
First? sape erk?..hehehe..xingat..huhu..tp waktu darjah 1 rapat ngn radiah n siti..
waktu skola dkt benoni..chapah..
kat Limauan..ujie+anieng..member2 Nataso yg lain rapat jgk..tp byk share rahsia wif ujie+anieng..

[42] Your first enemy:
*dia yg bernama rahsia..ngee*

[43] The friends you love the most:
Nataso UnLtd

[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only):
Yahudi..aku stuju ngn Luth.. (click here)

[45] Your most beautiful girl friend:
My Mum..ngeee

[46] Your most handsome boy friend:
Mestilah my father..and..my dear ijam..hehehe..

[47] The kind of girl you hate the most:
berfikiran kolot dan terlalu memaksa dan cepat terasa shinggakan pkara kecil pun blh terasa..mcm Miss Y yg agak sensitif..xsukaaa~

[48] The kind of boy you hate the most:
perasan endsom..berlagak..terlalu memaksa

[49] You fall in love with your close friend before:
dulu-dulu ada r.. cerita lama..

[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover:
Ntah..xdpt jwb soalan nih..hee

[51] If your friend backstabbing you:
ada..waktu aku form4..aku msh ingat..berlagak baik depan aku..upa2nya dia lah punca segalanya..until org yg aku anggap musuh skrg sdah mjdi kwn2 aku yg baik sgt..kwn2,aku xakan lupa memori kita bersama..even aku pnah lukakan ati kamu..maaf utk kwn2 ku itu..aku msh muda dikala itu dn msh xmampu utk bfikir dgn lebih waras dan lebih ikutkan perasaan..aku syg kamu..

[52] If your friend betray you:
ada kut..ntah laa..hehehe..dah letih jwb tag ni..hohoh~

[53] If your friend woo your lover:
jgn la smpai ati wey..huhu~

[54] If your friends fall in love with you:
maaf ku xbisa memilih dirimu..kerna ku terlalu mencintai dia..

[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:
xmgkin kot..sbb if ak dah anggap dia kwn xkan sesekali mcintai dia..kerana perasaan itu xsptutnya wujud..dan bila kami couple..mgkin kami xhappy swktu bgelar kwn..

[56] Are you a good student:
not really..sbb aku ni malas dan teramat la malas..heee..tp malas2 pun i buat kerja tau..hehehe..cuma mls pg kelas..hehee

[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments:
Mestilaa..biar mcmna cara sekalipun iaitu kena copy dr member2..at least aku mst buat..markah 2 jo!..hehe

[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:
xtau..aku xrapat ngn lectrer..tp klu bab mgajar..suka bila Dr.Azmi yg ajar..cepat masuk dan cpt faham..hehe

[59] Always late to school/college:
Yaa..hehehe..muka aku je slalu lewat msk kelas..hehee

[60] Your class:
class xtentu..sekejap kene pg sini..sekejap kene pg sana..hehehe..

[61] You love your seniors:
Ada..hehe..abg angkat aku..abg iQbal..hehehe
but just anggp dia sbg abg je..coz i dunt have a brother..
abg wei jgk!..sbb he alwayz make me happy..hehe

[62] Senior who you love the most:
Love 2 xla..suka je..bese2 je..xlebih dr sygku kpd ijam..hee

[63] Your classmates good/bad:
Ntah laa..sbb ramai sgt dan selalu tukar2..hehee

[64] Excellent result classmate:
xtau sapa..hehe

[65] Laziest classmate:
Tahla sapa..hehehe...
banyaknya soalan..hehehe

[66] Smart people:
Smart people bila depa dressing smart.. urm.. bila seseorang tuh bijak handle sesebuah perkara dan dapat mengatasinya dengan cool..tiru ayat Luth sbb aku stuju ngn Luth..hehehe..

[67] Stupid people:
Bila dia bebal dan xreti bahasa..

[68] Good looking people:
boleh buat semua org terpaku..hehee

[69] Ugly people:
seseorg itu nmpak ugly bila dia berlagak terlalu cantik..hohohoho~

[70] Funny people:
Mr Bean.. haha

[71] Cute people:
Cute?..Hakim kot..adik ku y gemokz itew..
tp suka tgk 1 gurLz yg mmg cute..kuit halus..ayu..dan nmpak matured..i dunno sepa dia..tp slalu nmpak if mo pg kelaz..

[72] Bad people:
bila sesorang tuh kuar dalam paper or dekat tv.. bad la tuh.. wat jenayah kew.. korap ke.. salahguna kuasa ke.. gila kuasa ke.. tak sabaq nak jadi PM ke..setuju2..[copy ayat Luth]..hee

[73] Honest people:
Bila sesorg tu jujur dlm segala perilaku dan tidak hanya berlakon baik semata2..heee

[74] Acting people:
berpura2 dalam segala hal..hehee

[75] You are what kind of people:
Peramah..selalu buat org happy..berani..jujur [sehingga dlm berkata2 aku selalu jujur..hehee..maaf sapa2 yg pnh terasa ngn kata2 aku..aku brckp benar pe..hee]
ntah la aku ni sbarnya cmne..biar korg nilai sdiri la..heee

[76] Lip or eyes:
Nak eyes+Lips..hehee

[77] Hugs or kisses:
Hug..its make me calm..

[78] Shorter or taller:
Ntah..hehe..sbb aku ni xla tinggi mana pun..hee

[79] Hesitant or spontaneous:
Spontaneous..nmpak best je bila dia brcakap..penuh meyakinkan..

[80] Nice stomach or nice arms:

[81] Listener or talker:
Talker and Listen..
Luth~banyaknye Luth..huhu..penat dah ni..hehee

[82] Romantic or rich:

[83] Good husband or Good Father:
Good Father

[84] Age to get marry:
25 thn

[85] Numbers of kid(s):
6 kot..tgk rezeki..hehe

[86] Career:
xtahu..klu blh biarla krja yg ok..

[87] Salary:
2k kut..kira blh la bg mkn anak2..

[88] Retirement age:
50 thn..

[89] Properties value:
tah.. no komen..

[90] Wishes:
1stly hrp dpt grade ngn pointer yg okey..
then dpt balas jasa kedua ibubapa ku..family ku..
bahagia bersama ijam..and wish to have an engagement a.s.a.p..hehe..
dpt kerja yg ok..

Luth~aku dah jwb tags anda..amatlah 'ter'seksa..hehe..jari jemari ku sungguh letih menekan butang2 huruf ini..hoho~

Girls Myspace Comments


  1. kak nrina..bukan tag yg ni..tag yg bawah tu..hehehe..
    ni sy xbg kat owg lain sbb amatlah terseksa..hehehe


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